Friday, May 27, 2016

Gemini Observatory Use New Technique for Orion Bullets Photos

Foto baru Peluru Orion yang diambil oleh Gemini Observatory dengan menggunakan GeMS pada 28 Desember 2012. Gemini Observatory Use New Technique for Orion Bullets Photos | New
Tm of the Gemini Observatory successfully developed a technique for object space. This time the object of shooting them is part of the Orion nebula called "Bullet Orion" (Orion Bullets).

Orion Nebula itself is a nebula that can be seen even with the naked eye. That's because the distance is relatively close to the rth which is about 24 light-yrs away in the constellation Orion. Recent photos developed by resrchers at the Gemini Observatory is the result of the development of retrieval method previously called Altair. Altair is one of the instruments at the Gemini Observatory in 2007 and it used to take a photo of "Bullet Orion".

Benoit Neichel as the scientist who led the development of methods and systems of the Gemini Observatory said it was busy for a few yrs with the development of a new system that is possible to be able to take pictures of the sky objects more clrly. The new system called GEMS.

The result on 28 December, 3 days before the new yr Gemini Observatory Bullets managed to photograph the nebula with stunning results. Her picture was 2.5 times and 16 times finer details.

To see the difference Orion Bullets photo taken in 2007 to 2012, you can see below:
Perbedaan foto yang diambil dengan Altair (2007 sebelah kiri) dengan yang diambil GeMS (2012 sebelah kanan) terlihat hasil jepretan GeMS lebih baik dan lebih jelas.

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